snow blow yard tips

When snowfall accumulates, it’s important to take necessary precautions when removing it. Snow Blowing and shoveling snow are the two common DIY solutions. These two activities lead to way more injuries than you may expect.

Get ready for a lot of activity in cold temperatures. Shoveling snow or using a snowblower are among winter’s most grueling activities. These create a lot of physical strain and have been known to put many people at risk of heart attack, especially for anyone with a typically low activity lifestyle.
The cold Montana weather is a major danger. Cold weather can increase heart rate and blood pressure. It can make blood clot more easily and constrict arteries, which decreases blood supply. Even in healthy people, this can occur. If you are over 40 years of age, you are in particular danger from exertion in the cold.

How Can You Avoid Snow Removal Injuries

Before snow removal, warm up your muscles by stretching for a few minutes so you can move more efficiently and safely.When going out in cold weather, make sure to cover up with a hat, scarf, and gloves to protect yourself from hypothermia. Layer clothing and wear snow boots to protect yourself from snow and slush.

How To Avoid Snowblower Injuries

When snowplowing be sure to wear eye protection, hearing protection, and close-toed shoes to protect yourself from any flying snow and debris.

Obviously do not ever put your fingers, arms, feet or any other appendage into a running snow removal machine. Don’t put anything other than snow into a snow removal machine.Keep your snowblower and other equipment well maintained. Treat gas with care or it can lead to fire. Don’t over fill and avoid spills. Never smoke around gas. Only trained personnel should work on the snowblower.

Pay attention to snowblower manufacturer warnings and instructions. They are there to keep you safe from injury. Follow instructions and the snowblower should make snow removal far easier and faster than grabbing the snow shovel.

How to Avoid Snow Shoveling Injuries

When snow shoveling, consider using an ergonomically designed snow shovel. This will help reduce the stress on your back as you scoop snow.Take breaks and do not work past the point of exhaustion. Don’t overwork yourself. Avoid sweating too much and drenching your clothing as it can lead to the sudden onset of hypothermia.

  • Try to only shovel fresh powdery snow. It is lighter and easier to move.
  • Push the snow rather than lift it. Whenever possible try to push snow out of the way or into piles. The more times you lift and swing the more tired you will become.
  • Watch out for ICE and/or apply some salt to melt any ice and add traction. Slipping and falling in the snow or on ice often leads to severe injury.
Snow Removal Pro Tip

Hire Doctor Lawn to remove snow from your property. While you relax and watch from the warmth of your office, our well trained team uses years of experience and state of the art equipment to make your property safe and passable. We know how to properly remove snow while maximizing accessibility to your property, safely.

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