Snow Pile Dangers That Affect Property Owners Include:

  1. Icy Walkways Especially Near Snow Piles

Apply salt to foot traffic and vehicle traffic areas to melt snow and create safer traction. Do this regularly, even if it hasn’t snowed in a while. All it takes is a warm day for snow to turn into water. That meltwater will refreeze at night into dangerous ice. Even a light flurry can lead to traction problems, causing slips and falls that you could be liable for. You need to keep de-icing your walkways as long as you have snow piles surrounding them.

  1. High Snow Piles Can Collapse and Cause Injury

Snow piles that are too high pose dangers to people and property. Anyone walking by could have the snow fall on them without warning. It is impossible to know how high is too high. If a snow pile falls it carries a lot of weight. Montana snow piles accumulate over time. They are densely packed. When they fall, that weight creates momentum and can easily injure people and property. 

  1. Create Paths Through the Snow Piles Where Needed

We often have to plan snow removal for the very specific reason of allowing proper access to buildings, dumpsters, access panels, doors, and thoroughfares. It’s not just clearing snow from parking spaces. Don’t forget that people use various paths to cross your property. 

  1. It’s Not Ok to Let Kids Play on the Snow Piles

You were once a kid and you likely remember how tough it is to resist a fresh pile of snow.  While it might be fun for children and even be entertaining to you or their parents, you’re liable for any injuries they experience. The bigger the snow pile, the bigger the risk of injury. Kids fall, they trip, they can potentially slide in front of a moving vehicle.  Most people don’t know that snow piles also become quite hard as the top layer melts and then refreezes as often as daily. Imagine trying to jump into that! Playing in snow piles is really not safe. As the property owner, you should consider having piles removed.  

  1. We Recommend Creating  Designated Areas Where Snow Should Be Taken

Removal is possible but if a snow pile is required, it is important to decide where that pile should be placed. Taking a little time before snow removal begins to make this key decision ensures snow piles won’t get in anybody’s way.

  1. Make Sure Snow Piles Don’t Block Important Things

People often do not think about where the snow piles are forming or being created. Cold, wind, and snow can make anyone forget about access points. Don’t block windows, doors, vehicles, dumpsters, key access points, etc.  

Should I Hire a Snow Removal Expert?

Yes! If you have a property in Montana, Doctor Lawn takes the worry out of snow removal. Our experienced team of local snow removal technicians know the best way to remove snow from your walkways and parking lots. We have the right equipment and training to make sure there are no snow piles blocking important areas or posing safety or security risks. We save you the time consuming task of managing and doing all of the above. We reduce your exposure to risk and maintain your property, keeping it functional and looking great! 

For Drivers Snow Piles Create Issues 

Snow piles can also create a hazard for vehicles. Due to the weight of the snow, large snow piles can cause damage to roads and driveways, which can lead to potholes or cracks that may not be noticed until it’s too late. Additionally, when the temperature fluctuates and the snow melts, this water can seep into the cracks and create a layer of ice that may be difficult to see. Montana is particularly prone to these dangers due to its cold winter temperatures and large amounts of snowfall.

Drivers should take extra caution when driving in Montana during the winter. Slow down when approaching snow piles, as they can be unpredictable and uneven. Additionally, be sure to add extra time to your commute in case of any unexpected road conditions. By being aware of the hidden dangers posed by snow piles, Montana residents can make their winter drives safer and more enjoyable.  


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